Yes, all is sparkly- me included- in this weeks WOYWW. Join in by popping over to Julias place,
The Stamping Ground, link up a shot of your crafting space today, and we'll all come visit!
Speaking of which, WOYWW is approaching it's 10th Birthday, just how amazing is that? There will be a Birthday Crop on June 1st, and it's being organised by our lovely Wipso & Twiglet (Annie & Jo) in Shropshire, so will be a fab day of chatting, eating cake & the occasional bit of crafting, lol. So, a note for your diary. 😍.
Well back to the desk,and this is how far I am with the glittering. It does take time, as you have to let it dry between colours, but I do have another couple of projects on the go. Mothers day cards, and a Wedding Card for a work colleague, so can't show either yet.
The stamp used I'm afraid I have no name or brand for. It used to be wood mounted, and I recall buying it at the NEC Hobbycrafts, at least 10 years ago, maybe more. It's grey Rubber, and from a bit of a search, it's *possibly* from a company called Creative Stamping,(and this may be connected to Holly Berry House,as their medallion stamps are the same/very similar too) StampinCarol mentioned them in last weeks comments, as although I can't find this actual stamp, there are a few of theirs that are very similar, and I seem to recall that there were indeed a number of similar designs when I got it.
The Archival dried fine on the OHP Film, I left it overnight. Totally agree with you Julia- the Staz-on pads need reinking every time I use them, even when the inner lids kept on. And I'm not even going there with those Opaques they made! Hated them more than any inkpad I've ever bought. In the end I binned them!
I also got a little delayed getting started on the glittering- I saw Sarah-
Sarahs Craft Shed- make a mention of having some cardstock on her desk to cut out an aperture, and that sparked an idea for some shaker cards, which are in the post below.
Next up is some shopping- not actually 'craft' items, but they will be great for crafting with. 😍
All from Primark, if you have one close.
These make up sponges work great for applying ink, you get one large, 2 medium and one small for £2.50. The small one is great for spot colour application, and I used them a lot on the backgrounds of the shaker cards to apply a different colour to the main Happy Birthday words.

Second up is a handheld thingy- yes, that's an actual technical
description- for cleaning make up brushes, but pretty sure it's going to
be the perfect thing for washing Ink Blending brushes too. It has a
strap on the back that you can slide your hand into, and different sized
bobbles for all sizes of brush.
Final one is something I've mentioned before, I think. Primark cotton buds. They have a paper stem, so more environment friendly, and unlike normal cotton buds, these have a pointy end and a flat end, which I find really useful, especially for tidying up glue, for instance, when applying embellishments to cards.
I forgot to mention, the sciatica went away as suddenly as it appeared! I did have some painkillers off the doc in the meantime, but it just vanished again back last week.
We have a busy weekend, a few months ago, we booked tickets to see a band called Kamelot- the band we went to Belgium to see last year- on Friday night in Birmingham. Then, Doug entered a giveaway for tickets to see them, and a few other bands, at Hammerfest,a smallish festival which is being held in Prestatyn, this weekend. On Friday & Saturday, to be precise. And yes, he got picked out in the draw. So, we get to see them twice, but it means we will be driving up to North Wales overnight on Friday, after the Birmingham concert. Booked into a Premier Inn in Rhyl for some sleep at least. Not a lot, but some, lol.
And that's everything, I think, apart from.........And Finally.........