Back again then, as usual our regular wander round the desks of the world, seeing what everyone has been up to. Leaving our blog link along at Julias place,
The Stamping Ground- feel free to come join us, we're very friendly! As always from me, there *may* be some enabling.
And here we go with the first. I have seen so many people with the IKEA Raskog carts, but they're a bit pricey I thought, although they have just dropped the price by a tenner, ( to £40) I also had a look at the Hobbycrafts one, which was a very sensible £25, and as they had a promo running of 20% off online orders, means I got it for £20. And I was very pleasantly surprised when I unpacked it. You have to put it together, but that literally took me all of 5 minutes. It is a very good size, neither ridiculously large, nor uselessly small. Trays measure 15½ " x 11½"(40x29cm), and stands 31" (77cm) tall. Also, very sturdy. Comes in a few colours, I went with the grey. I think the others are mint, rose gold, and white. It has two lockable wheels. Love how much stuff I've now been able to remove from my desk, but still keep handy. The baskets are really strong and deep, and there is plenty of access room between them. I've been able to remove my two boxes of UFO's from the desk, and they all fit in the bottom tray.
So, very happy with it.
I'm waiting on some stamps arriving from Lavinia, as they just put out some more new ones. They're not here yet, so I'll share them next week.
I've also bought myself a new toy I'm waiting to arrive, so I'll do an unboxing and some testing when that turns up.
These did arrive, I'm so far behind on Christmas cards this year, and thought these are going to help make a supply pretty quick. I reckon some foil/glitter card behind those baubles will look ace.
But it's desk shots you want to see, and this actually doesn't look as bad as I thought it did. It would look better if I got my act together and concentrated on one thing at a time. Like the 10th Wedding Anniversary card I need to get done for Thursday!

As well as tidying stuff into the cart, I got distracted by something in a video from WOW! embossing powders I watched. She'd made little circular swatches that she'd stuck onto the lids of her pots so she could see what they'd look like embossed. Which is something that I thought was brilliant, as it's not always easy to know what some powders will look like. So I got sidetracked. Some pots have split swatches on, as some, like sparkle EP's, or these 'two-tone' ones, look different on light or dark cardstock, so I punched out a bunch of circles, and then cut some in halves to match up on the lids.
This is the 'craftermath' on the desk behind the desk, the Christmas glittered images I'm gradually matching with background stamped pieces, more embossing powders than any sensible person needs, and generally anything I'm trying to find a new home for.
Received a fab card from our lovely ShazinOz the other day, thanks Shaz, it is so appreciated.
And so I'm almost done. Two more Chemo treatments to go, and I shall be able to stop hiding away from people with germs, like the hermit I've been for the last few weeks. Missed 3 gigs last week, as because of the treatment break I had, they now fell in the week my immune system was at it lowest, so the risk was too much.They were all in small halls where you're really crowded together. However, we are off the the Birmingham Arena on Friday to see Alice Cooper!
Which just leaves......And Finally.....
I think this pretty much sums up the state of my craft room this week!