A warm welcome to all my visitors,

Thank you for taking the time to come and look at my blog, I really do appreciate it. I would love you to leave me a comment, even if it’s just to say Hi. It means I can come visit you!

All my designs are original, so copyrighted to me. If I have been inspired by someone elses work, I have named them in the post, and where able, I have provided a link.

Please feel free to use my designs for inspiration, I just ask you to credit me, and provide a link back to my blog.

Thanks, Shaz XX

Wednesday 31 October 2012

WOYWW #178 …..I really need to do some Christmas Cards….

I suppose it really is way past when I should have started (again), so this is whats on my desk for this weeks WOYWW, courtesy of Julia at The Stamping Ground. I bought Tims Snowflake Rosette die a couple of weeks ago, and I thought I would just randomly doodle onto some plain vellum with some Stickles, then make up the (hopefully) sparkly rosette. We shall see, maybe next week. It may look icky, of course, and get consigned to the bin, who knows? I might try sparklying (is that a word?) up some Christmas papers & vellums as well. The other half of my desk looks like this:

too many Christmas stamps to be able to choose, quite honestly. I admit to having way too many – and I haven't even got out the box of wood-mounted ones. I think a clear out is in order after Christmas. The trouble, I think,is that our tastes (and styles) change over time, and what was great once, just isn't our thing anymore. I have bought one new stamp, a Stampendous cling one called Snowy Postcard- but that is definitely the only one I will be buying.

Just a couple of other pages in the binders-note to self- must stop impulse buying!
Hope everyone is having a great Wednesday, and a good week – heres to seeing around this weeks desks.

P.S. I've been putting #90 on all my comments- I see Julia has been editing out the  errors, and now I'm  #86, lol.


Francesca said...

I don't think we can ever stop buying, there is always something that we don't need just want....Great storage for your stamps. Francesca #74

MaggieC (Silvercrafter) said...

Morning, Shaz. I guess you are on lates this week. I have to admit to having done all my Christmas cards now, having gone a little mad doing the Rudolph challenge earlier this year. I just need to do the inserts as I write them and stick the labels on the envelopes. I don't have many Christmas stamps as such, just some that I can us for wintry scenes, and my cards ended up as a right mix, having used a lot of oddments up in the process. I always look forward to seeing what your theme is each year. Have fun deciding and creating yours, in between decorating and moving rooms. xx Maggie #44

Lunch Lady Jan said...

Stop impulse buying?? LOL - well, that's you and me both then!! See fabric on my desk this week :D

And your key story made me laugh and feel a bit better about it all - thank you!!!

Hugs, LLJ #68 xx

Helen T said...

I know that finding just the right stamp is the hardest part!! Happy WOYWW - Helen T #65

Annie said...

I'm sat reading my WOYWW blogs on my sick bed this week but have my mask on so you don't catch anything. I'm enjoying reading what everyone is up to this week [it's better than reading magazines :-) ]. I'm leaving a copied comment so you know I've called by because my hands are too weak and shaky to keep typing out my comments this week.
Big hugs,
A x #93

Kim said...

LOL! I just bought that one too! I can't wait to see your snowflake rosettes. I haven't bought that die yet. Have a great halloween!

Eliza said...

Nope not 86 but 87 ATM it is funny how we change and don't know it, gotta love Julia.

You can never have enough Christmas stamps ok, there will always be more to purchase that are yummie and well needed this is the life of a card maker.

I am intrigued as to how you are going to use this latest stickling paper, I think I will have to come back later.

Thank you for your lovely comment regarding the card choice which you didn't really make. But I have to stick to one design only as they being the volunteers that receive will complain if they are different even in the slightest. Yes I know they should be grateful but hay, this is what they are.

Hugs Eliza

Helen said...

What a lovely load of Christmas stamps - I haven't got far with my cards at all, have ground to a halt!!
Hope you have a great day. Helen #4

Lindsay Weirich said...

ha ha, my number jumped from 103 to 97! I have only made a couple of xmas cards already myself so don't feel bad:) happy WOYWW! Lindsay #97

Roudi said...

Teehee we don't have ANY stamps of any kind here in Egypt. Let's see if you can survive a day in here! lol

It's my first time to visit your blog and I have to say I enjoyed reading about Paris and all your crafty adventures. :)

Happy WOYWW! ♥
Roudi #99

Franka Benjaminsen said...

Great to see someone else with so much Christmas stamps. Every year I don't want to buy new stamps for this season, but if it works :-) Sometimes I like to use the old ones with some new technics and the results surprise me every time. Thanks for showing us your beautiful Christmas stamps. Bye, Franka #46

Spyder said...

I need to do some Christmas cards too, I have about three done so far! It'll be last minute Christmas eve again I guess! HaPpY WoyWw!
((Lyn))was 6 now #12

Anonymous said...

I have to do more "everything about christmas".. i haven't created nothing yet. :S
Thank you for stopping by my desk and have an amazing day!

Anonymous said...

Yes I keep getting out the Christmas stuff and think 'I really must get some more done' but the moment seems to pass all to quickly.
Wondered why you were 86 and I thought I was , will have to go back and see what number I am now!! Thanks for visiting any way what ever number we are.!!

The House of Bears said...

We're struggling with the Christmas cards this year despite starting early. Hope your experiment turns out well.

Thanks for visiting the bears this week.

Shaz in Oz.CalligraphyCards said...

Mm, Shaz, so know what you mean about that note to self but trouble is that is the note we always lose track of - or I do ..

.. and trying not to drool too hard at all that lovely stamp goodness on your desk.. mm will be interested to see how the sitckling of the paper goes - all sparky I hope :D

Thanks so much for popping over and thanks for sharing ~ happy WOYWW! Shaz in Oz. x #37

Twiglet said...

Lol - yes I noted all the numbers that had left a comment on mine and ended up on lots of new desks before I realised I was clicking the wrong ones!!! I really need to get a few ideas for Christmas too. Your sparkly twirly pattern looks promising.x Jo #76

Krisha said...

WEll now I am #56 hmmmmmm. This may get confusing, but interesting.LOL One can never have too many Christmas stamps (that's my opinion) and no, I have not started my cards yet either. Thanks for popping by the ole blog and leaving comments
Krisha was 59 now I see #56

Mary said...

I hope you post the result of your Stickles creation. I like playing with my supplies, It's certainly rewarding when it works the way we hope. Thanks for stopping by my blog. I'm finding that the Spectrum pens are blending well, but only on certain papers. I'm loving all the colors and yes, I too love the pastels. Have a creative week....

Katie said...

I love the stickles on the vellum! I hope it all turns out how you are picturing!

Happy Halloween and WOYWW!
Katie #114

Angie said...

What an amazing collection of stamps....sounds as though you are having fun playing.Thanks for droping by earlier ...I am a bit disorganized today. xx#101 well i was!!

My name is Cindy said...

Oh I'm not sure Christmas stamps ever go out of style - may not be your thing this year but you'll probably come back to them. However there is a point at which it becomes impossible to remember everything you have and I think I am quickly approaching that point!! Thanks for popping by to see me, Cindy #66 (I've moved as well!!)

Peggy Cain said...

I'm with you on making those Christmas cards I can't decide which stamps to use either. Can't wait to see you snowflakes next time have a great day

Angela Toucan said...

Christmas cards? not on my to do list yet.

You have a fabulous set of stamps and a lovely looking organisation system

Tammy said...

Oh, I love this idea. Hope it turns out! Good luck with stopping the impulse buying. I can't help you there because I never learned how to do that!! LOL. Thanks for stopping by my desk. Happy WOYWW! Tammy #106

Queen Lightwell said...

You do have lots of stamps! :) Thanks for stopping by my blog and leaving me a comment...sometimes I spend way more time organizing than playing, so I think I *must* enjoy it. lol Hope the idea you have in progress works out like you were imagining or even better. :)
Deeyll #60

fairy thoughts said...

I'm sorry but you cannot have too many stamps..... there is always the occasion when you need to make something that is not really your style, so maybe keep them... on the other hand I will gladly take them off your hands, coz I could never have too many.
Having said that when I look at my early work I think .. did I really make that.
I havent started christmas yet either Oopps must try harder

Jenny Marples said...

What a fab set of Christmas stamps!! That snowy postcard one is lush so you should have a lot of fun. BTW, my leaves stamp set is one by Creative Expressions and works a treat.
Glad to see your post about diffusers and the bug - I did one on using the Grand Calibur and found the same thing. It's trial and error with the depth of plates needed and Sizzix folders are different to the ones by other companies but it's so great to mix them together. Happy WOYWW, hugs Buttons #81

Anonymous said...

Can't wait to see how those rosettes turn out Shaz. I envy you all those Christmas stamps but do hear you on being spoilt for choice :) I'll always come and help you weed out those you don't want any more :D
Lynn xx

Bernice said...

I think it's a kind of addiction - you NEED to buy something new, even if its similar to one you already have!! We're all the same!
Bernice #7

SandeeNC said...

While we do change, sometimes we go back to what we no longer liked, which is why we hoard all our supplies...you just never know, do you? At least that's what I'm afraid of, as soon as I give it away, it's the one thing I really need for a project! lol Love your Christmas stamp collection! waving hi from the hills of North Carolina :)

okienurse said...

I tried the drizzling glitter glue around on a project last year and it didn't work out really well for me so I am looking forward to seeing how yours turns out. I am with you about trying not to got out and buy or order any more papers, stamps etc this Christmas cause I have so may stamps that I haven't used in a long time or at all. Hope that your granddaughter finds some good out of that blog. I was so glad when the doctor told me it wasn't celiacs but a serious intolerance to gluten cause if I mess up I am not damaging bowel like those with celiacs do. Wish I had known this a while back I would have taken better care of myself!! Thanks for sharing and dropping by my blog! Have a great week! Vickie #37

Ann B said...

Just catching up on comments (busy day yesterday) so thanks for visiting.
Will be interested in seeing if your vellum experiment works. Many of my experiments end up in the bin - doing my bit for the landfill industry.
Can spot a couple of Christmas stamps in your binder that are in my Christmas box (I'm not as neat as you - mine are just thrown in a shoe-box).
What do you store your on please, have tried lots of stuff but they just don't stick.

Ann B
#62 (was 65 but getting younger every time I look.

Anonymous said...

Hi, Shaz, I'll be curious to see how your sparkly rosettes make out. You've got some cool Christmas stamps there! I was doing a little experimenting this week, too, with gold paint and a stencil, then an embossing pen and stencil, but didn't like the results. I think I need gold embossing powder and to use stamps. lol Thanks for your visit -- happy WOYWW (on Thursday!) ~ Laura #148

Princess Judy Palmer said...

I agree with you on all counts! 1-yes, probably past time to start Christmas cards, but what the heck we both should jump in and start now methinks. 2-Our tastes do change, I'm totally convinced of it. Otherwise how do explain those completely awful stamps I have? I tend to get carried away by clearance sales too and buy things I wouldn't normally. Not good! Kudos to you for putting down your foot that the postcard stamp will be the only one you buy! 3-Yes, a clean out is probably in order. I say that all the time, and I even do it too, although not as much as is needed. I figure every little bit helps!

I guess we'd both best get cracking on our holiday cards!!! and here I was just looking at Valentine's sets... tsk tsk!

Anne said...

Hi I've not made any christmas cards yet :-( I also think it's cos I can't choose and like you I have some I bought ages ago and some were impulse buys so also need a good sort out of my stamps after Christmas. Sorry I'm late visiting. Anne x #142

KatzElbows said...

I love the idea of doodling with Stickles. They're going to look amazing. Not to mention adding sparkle to the paper, but not to the whole room!

Thank you visiting. I'll be talking more about why I prefer the glass cutting mat in my next post because it's been a total revelation. Well worth a go.

cheers,rachel #47

Unknown said...

I like what you have done with the vellum. Now I am waiting to see what you do with it. Thanks for visiting.


Shoshi said...

Trouble is, there are just tooo many tempting things out there to buy, aren't there! I'm impressed with the organisation of your stamps, too - how I'd love to have a browse through those lovely folders!! As for the random patterns with the stickles, I can't wait to see what you do with this. It looks fascinating.

Thanks for your lovely comment on my blog, and I'm glad you like what I'm up to at the moment! I've made a good start on the back of my jumper now.

Happy belated WOYWW,
Shoshi #16

famfa said...

I keep thinking I should make Christmas cards and presents and then I do something else and before you know it it's too late. At least you are having fun stickying

lisa said...

I don't seem to be able to get started on the dreaded Xmas cards either!! You have some lovely stamps there. They would start kick my mojo into action!!!!
Sorry to be such a late visitor this week.
Hugs Lisax #95

Ginny Maxam said...

Hi Shaz!! I'd love to have your snail mail and emaiil info so that I can write to you!!
my email is :
Your infor isn't listed on OSA yet!!
HAve a Divine day!

Anonymous said...

I haven't even considered making my own cards this year...there is still time, right??!!
Stop impulse buying...never!!!


Nan G said...

Interesting stickles doodling. Can't wait to see how it finishes out! Impulse buying? Noo way! NOT lol Hugs Nan 19

Helen said...

I love what you've done to try for the snowflake die, I bet it will look great (and then I can copy it!!!) Never have too many stamps, especially Christmas (I always say I am not going to buy new ones and then.....) Have a great day.Helen, 4

sandra de said...

It can be quite a shock when we count up how many stamps we actually have in our stash. Our styles do change but that is why we need to keep it al because it all comes back in fashion if we wait long enough.
Sandra @10

JoZart Designs said...

Just a quick note to let you know the Angel Swaps info is on my blog... Thanks for joining in and don't forget to name them for fun!
All those stamps are very well organised and very desirable!
Love Jo x

Robin said...

Impulse buying....dang, and I think that visiting each other weekly, can enable us...or some of us...or me? heaven help me!

I love what you are doing with the stickles. Can't wait to see what it grows up to be!

An End of an era

An end of an era

I write this with a broken heart, that only time can heal My beautiful, wonderful wifelet Shaz (Silverwolf) passed away peacefully in the ea...