A warm welcome to all my visitors,

Thank you for taking the time to come and look at my blog, I really do appreciate it. I would love you to leave me a comment, even if it’s just to say Hi. It means I can come visit you!

All my designs are original, so copyrighted to me. If I have been inspired by someone elses work, I have named them in the post, and where able, I have provided a link.

Please feel free to use my designs for inspiration, I just ask you to credit me, and provide a link back to my blog.

Thanks, Shaz XX

Wednesday 17 October 2012

WOYWW #176

Well that's another week gone by, and here we all are again, courtesy of Lady Julia IMG_7176 wof The Stamping Ground. My desk this week is a bit of a shambles, to be honest. Having a bit of a sort out & tidy. Lots of stamped images getting sorted out, and going into the plastic wallets I bought ages ago. I often make a lot of backgrounds in one go, or stamp up a bunch of images when I have a particular stamp out,or sometimes something doesn't work for what I wanted, and they get dropped in a drawer, completely forgotten about. Hopefully this way they will be out where I cIMG_7174 wan see them and they'll get used.
A few months worth of Craft Stampers to take the stamps off & put away.  The new Tim Holtz Embossing Diffusers on the bottom of the pic, next to the Mini Mister stand, both from where I visited on Saturday. And where was that? you ask. The wonderful new shop opened by Jennie, The Artistic Stamper, iVLUU L310W L313 M310W / Samsung L310W L313 M310Ws where. I've posted about my visit here, and all the other goodies I came back with. I mentioned in there that it was the Official opening of Jennies Workshop Room, and she got us to decorate something for the walls. She very kindly gave me permission to post it on my blog, so here it is. You can tell what a squirrel I am, I even kept the flyer on the right that I had been stamping off & testing colours on as I thought' it'll make a great background with a little bit more work' lol.VLUU L310W L313 M310W / Samsung L310W L313 M310W 

  I missed last week, as we went to Paris for our Wedding Anniversary, and we had a smashing week. I've put some pics in a post here,so you can have a look later if you like, but one thing lots of you will love to have a look at is in this post here- United Buddy Bears at the Eifel Tower. The most amazing 'altered art'- just right up our street,Open-mouthed smile.
So have a great Wednesday, show us your best (or worst), stock up on coffee & biccies, and lets wander the worlds desks together- sort of Crafting Buddy BearsWinking smile.


sandra de said...

OMG OMG OMG, your shoes are amazing. I also like the TG goodies but the shoes overshadow everything.
Love them. Congrats on the wedding anniversary.
Sandra @93.

jill said...

You photo's of Paris are fab & happy anniversary , hope you have many more years together. jill #51

MaggieC (Silvercrafter) said...

Glad you liked the card, both of you. Thanks for calling in today and commenting on my card. The main problem with those gilding flakes is trying not to breathe. It looks as though you are having fun with all your sorting. How long is it all going to take? A long time, I feel. Have fun. xx Maggie #65

Annie said...

Happy Anniversary! and enjoy your clear out and rummage .. .. I always find lost treasures so it's difficult to throw anything out!
hugs, annie x

Hettie said...

Great desk today and good that you are "tidying"! Bet that makes you feel good. Must tidy my CS mags from the side of the bed and put the stamps away/use!
Happy Anniversary...we were there for ours 3 years ago around the same time too!
Maybe see you at the next Crop?? and bring Maggie!

Gabrielle said...

Looks like you have had a lot of fun _ lots of creativity, shopping and Channel hopping! Quite jealous! Happy Wednesday #44

Lindsay Weirich said...

wow, what a fabulous week, I was totally sucked in tou your stories of travel, thanks for sharing! Happy WOYWW Lindsay #7

Karen McAlpine said...

Great stamped pieces. I am the same way. I get a stamp out and can't stop stamping. I have a clear plastic box that I store my extras in. When I need large quantities of cards, I can pull them out and I'm off way done! Looks like you had fun at the Artistic Stamper!!
Karen 115

Redanne said...

How wonderful to go to Paris for your Anniversary! Just had a look at your goodies from Artistic Stamper - wow - that is a bumper bundle of gorgeous goodies - love the look of the diffusers. Another blog friend and fellow WOYWWer Buttons has them and has done amazing things with hers if you want to check her out (http://pushingtherightbuttons.blogspot.co.uk). thanks for your visit earlier. Happy WOYWW, Anne x #41

famfa said...

Lots to see. Good luck tidying. Off to look at your Paris pics now
(Famfa) 12

Sunshine Girl said...

Ooh great goodies you have there and how lovely to visit the new shop. Didnt realise you lived in Redditch - not far from me! Thanks for sharing - Sunshine Girl no. 57

Belinda said...

Happy anniversary. Oh Paris..in my dreams. One day. I scrolled back and snooped a bit to look at photos. Oh the bears are so cute.

I am happy to meet you. I love that WOYWW because every week you can make a new friend.

Thanks for stopping by my desk and I can see you and I are alike when it comes to craft splurges. ha ha..

Have a blessed week.
Belinda (17)

Lunch Lady Jan said...

Funky shoes there, missus!! I like!!
How fab that you met a WOYWWer too - we had such fun, maybe you could get there next time?
Glad you enjoyed Paris, a very romantic place to celebrate your anniversary :D
Hugs, LLJ 56 xx

Helen said...

I've never been to Paris, it's on my bucket list! I saw Jennie's post earlier documenting your visit, off to check out your earlier post now! Happy WOYWW, Helen, 4

Unknown said...

Happy anniversary--so wonderful to have a trip to Paris! Good job getting all those bagged! Even our craft areas require some housekeeping. *sigh* Happy WOYWW! Sandy Leigh #11

SueH said...

Wow, you certainly have a lot of beautiful stamped images ready for when you need a card in a hurry and I’m sure that your new storage of them will make it much easier to see what you have.
Loving your Paris photos too. They brought back memories of my last trip there but mine was more than ten years ago.

Thanks for stopping by this week.
Happy Crafting!
Sue @ #81

kay said...

lucky you going to the shop to see jennie,enjoy your sorting out and thanks for visiting me
have a fab woyww
kay #53

Angie said...

So maybe it's the time of year that makes us get organized?? Love the idea of sorting the card bits!
Angie #114

The Scrapbook Lady UK said...

Lucky to visit the store! Great photo. Happy woyww jenx 139

fairy thoughts said...

It ia good to see I am not the only who stock piles craft stamper on their desk.
lovely stamping and inky on the left
janet #47

Ali H said...

Loads of fun stuff in your blog this week ! Looks like you had fun at the new shop ! Ali #48

SandeeNC said...

I love the altered bears, and your pictures from Paris...I would pee in my pants if I had to drive while over there, I think! Who cares if the room was tiny when you had such an awesome view of the Eiffel Tower?!! And, no, I also didn't realize that the Mona Lisa was that small! Thanks for sharing your pictures! waving hi from the hills of North Carolina :)

Brenda Brown said...

Loved peeking at your workspace today and reading your post. Those shoes are amazing, don't think I could cope with anything that high these days.
Paris is lovely isn't it, my husband took me for my birthday in March, such a special place.
Thanks for sharing your creative space and for visiting me. Happy WOYWW and have a great end to the week.
hugs {brenda} xox #88

Dainty Diva said...

Making background and such for a later date is so wonderful that you have it before you really need it. Fabulous!
Dainty Diva #141

Sylvia/LittleTreasures said...

Love all the photos in prev posts and here. What fun..visiting the new shop and all the fun things you have to create with. Enjoy #101 wishing you a lovely week

Bridget Larsen said...

Great stash you had there and thanks for showing us Jennie. Wonderful anniversary destination you went to, hopefully pics of the place will appear soon
Bridget #21

Queen Lightwell said...

I can't quite figure out your set-up but the piles of stamped images look like you could get lots of beautiful projects done pretty quickly. I know just what you mean about losing them in a drawer, though! lol Thanks for stopping by my desk and leaving me a comment...hope you can stop by again when I get my Thanksgiving card done, with the image I posted this week...eventually! haha

Annie said...

Belated happy Anniversary to you both. It does us all good to have a few days away.
A x #62

Nan G said...

Some interesting images in those stacks! Too bad it's not warmer in UK, you gals have the coolest craft stores! Paris - wow! Happy Anniversary! Nan 117

The House of Bears said...

We often stamp lots of images at once and never used to use them. Now we have an art journal we try to look at our ready stamped file before we make more.

Thanks for visiting the bears this week. :)

Unknown said...

Wow everything so neatly arranged on your workspace.
That blending tool spinner storage is neat. I haven't seen on like that. Takes up less room than mine.
Yeah we have sun at last in the North West
Thanks for visiting


Morti said...

OOH YES!!! Lovin' those shoes hun! It's a shame we didn't get to see you at the weekend, but totally get the whole travelling by train thing - next time we'll have to get someone up north to organise a minibus for all the northern contingent....? I'm v envious of your trip to the Artistic Stamper's new shop - and WOW, a snowflake rosette die - me GOTTA have that.....

Thanks for stopping by!

Becky said...

What a lovely wedding anniversary trip! That's a great idea to stamp a bunch of backgrounds or images at once when you have a certain stamp out!

Twiglet said...

Congrats on your anniversary - the United Buddy Bears are fab! x Jo

Unknown said...

Happy belated anniversary! Your desk is amazingly clean for being in a shambles! I really need to get mine cleaned so I can start over! Thanks for visiting and happy WOYWW!
Carol N #131

Cameron said...

Oooo, those piles of craftygoodness makeme want to make a cup of tea and carefully pick through each one!

Love the pics of Paris, too...you lucky girl!

Barb King said...

I would love to go to that store! Thanks for stopping by my blog. Have a great week!

Words and Pictures said...

Lovely workspace... all those tools right within reach! Saw your lovely work for the Workshop Room over at Jennie's (or maybe at AS, I forget now). Thanks for your visit, and belated happy WOYWW!
Alison x

My name is Cindy said...

Well how strange is that... I was in Paris at the foot of the eiffel tower last Tuesday!! Not a buddy bear in sight! But I guess we were in Paris at the same time though we were only there that day!! Lovely creative desk and lucky you getting to see Jen's new shop. Thanks for popping by to see me, Cindy #73

Shoshi said...

Nothing like a good clear out, is there Shaz! What wouldn't I give to have a good old rummage through your stuff! It looks so intriguing! I bought some of those polywallets not long ago to cut stencils from, but so far they've just ended up being used to put stuff in lol!!

Thanks for the links to your wonderful anniversary trip to Paris, and the painted bears - I really enjoyed reading those posts!

Thank you for your lovely comment and the nice "welcome back" to WOYWW-land - I've missed you all! It's really nice to have finally caught up with Mr. Mojo again and get creative!

I'm really enjoying doing my art journal - I finished the page last night and have done a blog post about it if you want to pop back and have a look. My sheet of paper for working on is already looking pretty good imo, but my hubby obviously just thought it was a mess, judging by his expression lol lol!!

Happy belated WOYWW,
Shoshi #142

Susanne said...

Things looks really busy there. I don't normally stamp extra images, so I find this idea intriguing. The only time I have done it was before I sold a stamp set - thinking I might want a few more images, but I've never gone back and colored them or used them in any way. Thanks for dropping by my studio too.

okienurse said...

Awesome pictures and post this past week+! Love the pictures of your shoes...are they really heavy to wear? Looks like you made a big haul at Jennies shop! Thanks for sharing and have a great week. Sorry I am getting around so late but I am glad you stopped by my blog! Vickie #71

Unknown said...

Hi Shaz thank you for popping by and for the kind words of encouragement. I love the Buddy Bear post. I would have liked to see that for myself. It is a perfect example of how many creative and talented folk there are out there - as we all know. That French bears tum is amazing! Thank you for sharing. Belated WOYWW Hugs from Helen 77

Tamika said...

Celebrate celebrate! At least your desk is in an organized mess and you have lots of magazines for inspiration! Cheers! Tamika #124

Peggy Cain said...

LOVE the shoes!!!! had fun visiting your desk have a great week

An End of an era

An end of an era

I write this with a broken heart, that only time can heal My beautiful, wonderful wifelet Shaz (Silverwolf) passed away peacefully in the ea...