I did do these so far.
Most of the images I've got left are for larger cards.
Still got a few left from the Christmas cards to finish up too.
All done with Sweet Poppy stencils & paste, and a few were foiled as well.
I think these tall trees were my favourites.
The purple and blue is a bit of a departure for me, it seems that I most often stick to traditional colours at Christmas.
But, I'm using up paper pads and peel offs, which can only be a good thing.

I was surprised earlier to see a miniature rose in the front garden not only in flower still, but covered in buds too. And a Fuchsia is still flowering well.
I've also bought some Winter flowering pansies to put in the planters, which, apart from a few geraniums still flowering, are pretty much all over.
So weather permitting, they'll get planted over the weekend.
And I'm done, apart from..........And Finally...........