So what have I got? Well, there's another Clean and Simple masked card a couple of posts back,and the previous post is my almost-disaster, a stamped image that went horribly wrong right at the end. But I saved it- so proof that never bin anything till you're sure it can't be saved is the way to go.
So, on my desk right now-these Paper Mache dress forms.
I put the Tim ruler next to them so you can see the size- just over 7" tall. Some of you might remember I mentioned a company called Creativity Direct a while back, and how they had the most amazing selection of alterable stuff. I had in my mind buying a Jewellery Stand for my Granddaughter Merlins birthday later this year, but hadn't been able to find one suitably gothy for her. Then I remembered seeing these, and thought I would make one instead. So thats one project for the next few months. They were great value too- £3.20 each, inc VAT. Whilst browsing the site, I also thought about a jewellery box, and found this one:
This one cost me £13.99, and they have masses of wooden boxes, of all types, sizes and shapes.
This one opens up like this:

If you like this sort of thing to alter, I recommend giving their site a look,they have almost every shape/type of Paper Mache or wooden item you can name.

Last thing on my desk, well they were before I moved them to show you these, is some stamps from Designs by Ryn, the lady behind my much used Water Droplets stamp. A different set of Water Droplets, Rising Bubbles, Raindrops and some Starfish.The Starfish are currently at 50% off. Ryn doesn't have a UK/Europe supplier yet, so you have to order from Canada, but the exchange rate is great, and her shipping is so fast- I got these in under 7 days from ordering, I've waited longer for orders within the UK! Nice deep red rubber stamps, they come mounted on foam. Speaking of exchange rates, and ordering from abroad, I had been looking around the UK for a refill bottle for my Versafine Onyx Black pad. No-one at all seems to have any, and I know they say you should never have to re-ink, because they last for ages, but mine is getting a bit dry, after about 6 years, and I object to having to throw a pad away and buy another, on environmental grounds, as well as cost. So, I found refill bottles on, for the Black, and got two bottles, plus shipping, for £11.98. I also ordered a refill for my Sepia pad while I was at it, as it doesn't need re-inking yet, but I thought I may as well save on the postage. That is the only two colours of inkpad they make refills for, by the way. Have a good week everyone, and I hope the weather is suitably spring like wherever you are.