And this is part 2. Yesterday I wrote and posted 67 to the UK and abroad. Good job I'd been buying the occasional book of stamps throughout the year, so the only postage I actually paid yesterday was for the foreign ones. Think I'd probably have fainted at the price otherwise. Today I sat and wrote 33 for work colleagues of ours.
And finishing off with another 21 for family, that'll get hand delivered. Until names start popping up I've forgotten. Now I know why I used to get sick of the idea of Christmas cards when I left them till November. I'm left with about two dozen, for any I've forgotten, or to go towards next year.
I'll be later visiting today, as I'm doing something I haven't done for more years than most of you have probably been alive,😁. I'm going to the hairdressers! I will still be red, purple & blue, but the purple & blue have gotten so dark now that the colours don't show properly, so it needs bleaching. And that's a job for an expert, having had a couple of close squeaks with it in the past, Doug won't go there now. The hairdresser I'm going to is Ellie, the lady whose wedding photos I showed a few weeks ago.Almost said girl, as I've known her since she was at school with my eldest, but as they are both in their 40's now, that would have been silly. The last time I set foot in a hairdressers, I was still in my mid teens!
So no crafting yet. The Brusho sheets from last week have been sat under a glass mat, with the box of cards on top to flatten out a bit.
Our squirrels are quite tame really, and aren't afraid to come quite close- this one is about 12 feet away. We have what is obviously a pair, as they will both be here at the same time quite happily. Then there is another pair who visit, and if the two who have claimed our garden as their territory are here, then there's a lot of chasing the interlopers off up and down trees going on. They are funny to watch when they're annoyed about something. They sit on the fenceposts, stamping their back feet like rabbits do, and the tails are waving about like crazy. And I never realised they make as much noise as they do! They make quite a racket when they're annoyed, or trying to warn something off.
So thats it from me this week, I'll be linking up at Julias place, The Stamping Ground, and round to see you all later.
Which just leaves.....And Finally...............