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Thank you for taking the time to come and look at my blog, I really do appreciate it. I would love you to leave me a comment, even if it’s just to say Hi. It means I can come visit you!

All my designs are original, so copyrighted to me. If I have been inspired by someone elses work, I have named them in the post, and where able, I have provided a link.

Please feel free to use my designs for inspiration, I just ask you to credit me, and provide a link back to my blog.

Thanks, Shaz XX

Sunday 11 December 2016

Christmas card Club- A Snow Scene.

This fortnights challenge theme was set by Rita, and is titled 'A Snow Scene'.
I thought this was time to have a go at a Card-io scene, and I'm fairly happy with how it turned out, but I need more practice, as I can see a few things I could improve on. The robins, for instance, could have done with being a little darker, they sort of get lost in with the pinecones. And some of trees could have stood a little straighter. So I shall keep practising scenes in my notebook for a while.  Speaking of notebook, this was inspired by a scene I stamped in there a while back.

I think I actually prefer my practice one,πŸ˜€.

I got so engrossed I didn't take as many pictures during the process, but I will list the stamps I used at the end.

Wendy, from Card-io does some awesome scenes with her stamps, and I intend to keep practising. She makes it look far easier than it is!
I started as I've seen her do, by placing the four sides first, then filling in to get your shape, I went oval instead of round with mine.
 The image is stamped multiple times, all from the same inking,so you get a variety of shades.

 I stamped the twiggy branch from the Oriental Blossom set, in Versafine Spanish Moss.

It was now I realised I'd not taken any in between photos, but I added some Holly Sprigs in Archival Fern Green, and Holly Berries in Memento Ladybug,along with some Pine cones, which were all from Rubber Stamp tapestry Peg stamp sets.
 I punched out a small circle from a Post-it for the moon, and tore paper to create the hills. The sky was done in Memento Summer Sky and Adirondack Stonewashed. I used the Memento again to just sponge very lightly over the edges of the torn paper mask for the hills. The trees and stag are stamped in Archival Black. Robins were added to the wreath, and I used a marker to give them a red breasts, after inking in brown.
 I've matted the panel onto red, then green card, and it all fits onto a folded sheet of A4 pearl cardstock.
After it was mounted, I used Stickles in Frosted Lace to follow the shape of the hills, and Liquid Pearls in Garnet onto the Holly Berries.

Stamp sets used:
 Rubber Stamp Tapestry:
Pine Branch Border( Pine Cone)
 Cardinal in Holly( Holly branch & Berries)
Oriental Blossom( Twiggy branch)
Christmas scenery 2( Tees and Stag)
Winter Tweets( Robins).
 There are similar stamps to the Rubber stamp Tapestry ones in the Card-io range as well.
 I'm going to add here a card I did a few years ago, as it's a snowy scene, I think I love it the most because it was almost the worst disaster ever!

  I was on a DT for a site called Craft A Scene, which doesn't exist now, but as you can guess was all about scenic stamping, a big love of mine.
Well, being my usual organised self,😱, I was doing this the day before I needed to post it up.  It had all gone well, then close to the end, I decided to stamp a reflection of the moon in the water. HUGE mistake! It looked awful!
So, I tried to retrieve it by wiping the ink off with a baby wipe. Which removed the white ink, and also took some of the other colour off around it. So I wiped over the whole thing, trying to even it out. Panic is not the word for it!
Especially when the whole piece just curled up into a roll😰.
 So, in desperation, I flattened it out, and put it under some books , hoping it would flatten out overnight. Imagine my amazement the next day, not only had it flattened out, wiping it with the baby wipe had turned it into a misty, icy scene, which was exactly the brief!
Some white gel pen  highlights, then held my breath as I added some wavy lines in the water for the moons reflection, and it was finished.
I embossed some white cardstock with a Cuttlebug Snowflakes folder, mounted it and breathed an enormous sigh of relief.😲,
 I still have the card, I've kept it as a reminder that sometimes, what seems to be a disaster can be retrieved. Happy Christmas ladies, and I'll see you all again in January.xx


Rainey's Craft Room said...

A gorgeous stamped scene Shaz, I love that you've shown pictures of the process too. I don't have any of these brand of stamps but they look very versatile and useful.

Rita said...

What a beautiful card Shaz. The scene is perfect for my challenge and aren't we just our own worst critics,all I see is a beautiful scene. I need to look out my Cardio stuff too that has lain forgotton for a number of years. Enjoy your Evening. Hugs Rita xxxx

Helen said...

the card-io inspired card is fab, though I agree about how easy she makes it look, I've stood and watched her!! your scenic card is magical - well done for not throwing it in the bin (as I probably would have done) and rescuing it so beautifully.

cuilliesocks said...

Hi Shaz absolutely gorgeous snow scene card, love your choice of stamps they all work so beautifully.
Your second card is magical, thankfully you didn't bin it and have shared it now, love it, Kate x

Gibmiss said...

Hi Shaz
Fabulous cards... love the scene you have created...
Hugs Sylvie xx

Mrs A. said...

Well there you go then. If you hadn't said we would never have known. I was sat here drooling over it and still am as it looks a lovely tranquil scene even if creating it wasn't. A great save.
Your wreath card is pretty too and stupid I know in hindsight but I have never thought to put the 4 placements in before I merrily start going round in a circle. Der!! Thanks for the informal tution. Hugs Mrs A.

Heidi MyLittleStampingBlog said...

Your scenes are lovely! I especially do love the little robins! The second scene is just amazing, you would never know you had trouble with it!

I really do enjoy making wreaths and borders with the tiny stamps, But I only have a little patience for scene building, so I do appreciate how well you do it!

dutchess said...

Wow these are stunning Shaz....love the stamps you have used...and your composition is perfect! Xxxxx

MaryH said...

Your snow scene with the deer inside the lovely oval wreath is breathtaking. I think your robins show up quite nicely among the green branches. The eye keeps looking to see all the wonderful details, and your trees look fine to me. (we have trees that lean in the woods here... so these look natural to me). Love the water scene, it's lovely. Enjoyed reading about your adventures while creating this one, as it's the same kind of thing I would do. Your final result turned out grand though, and it too, looks quite like a frosty winter pond scene! TFS & Hugs. Merry Christmas too.

Sandma's Handmade Cards said...

I loved the story about your scenic near disaster. I had to laugh as I've done the same thing myself on more than one occasion and usually at the point where the card is almost finished. I'm pleased it's not just me! Lovely scenic stamping Shaz. Happy crafting, Sandra x

Carol said...

I have some scene stamps Shaz and keep getting them out, looking at them and putting them away again!! Perhaps I'll try again :) Love the scene you've created inside the beautiful wreath...and as for your happy accident its gorgeous. Carol x

Charlotte said...

Just ordered my first peg stamps and I love them !! I believe they are called Rubber Stamp Tapestry and they are the greatest people to order from. Just the nicest folks ever. Now, all I have to do is actually use them! Somehow I suspect that you have and will supply all my needs in this area!! All I need now is to work up my courage, maybe after all the Holiday commitments are done😁 Have a great day !!

Christine Harrop said...

I love Cardio stamps and you have done a terrific job with this snowy scene. Hugs Christine xx

misteejay said...

I have a number of sets of the Tapestry stamps but only recently bought some Cardio ones.
Beautiful cards Shaz and I love the Winter scene - it is stunning.
Wishing you all the best for Christmas & the New Year.
Toni xx

Shoshi said...

Love the cards, Shaz, especially the rescued winter scene! That one is really gorgeous. Amazing how a disaster can turn into a complete success, isn't it. I bet the end result was even better than you'd hoped for originally.

Thanks for your visit and I'm glad you like my pages - they are coming on quite well now and I'm already thinking about binding the album, which will be fun.

Apart from the pain in my hand I'm OK - got a physio appointment next week to see about the nerve pain in my leg but I'm sure it's ME related. My hubby is fine, and out a lot - we are both pretty busy at the moment! Hope you are OK as you wait for your procedure.

Happy WOYWW,
Shoshi #18

Karen P said...

Hi Shaz, I hope you don't mind me contacting you like this but as I was reading a storage fail thread at Splitcoast Stampers I saw your comment about the Avery Elle storage pockets and how they are hard to find in the UK. I recently found a shop that has recently starting selling them and thought you would be interested, here's the link:

I plan to purchase myself a few after Christmas lol! Hope this is helpful to you x

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