A warm welcome to all my visitors,

Thank you for taking the time to come and look at my blog, I really do appreciate it. I would love you to leave me a comment, even if it’s just to say Hi. It means I can come visit you!

All my designs are original, so copyrighted to me. If I have been inspired by someone elses work, I have named them in the post, and where able, I have provided a link.

Please feel free to use my designs for inspiration, I just ask you to credit me, and provide a link back to my blog.

Thanks, Shaz XX

Wednesday 5 June 2013

WOYWW #209

So, here I am, bright & early. Only bright because I'm still awake from Tuesday, lol. First week of night shift, and I'm loving it. Seems a bit weird, going to work one day & coming home the next, and going to bed & getting up the same day, but thats fine, I can do weird. Without any difficulty. Possibly to degree level, :). This weeks post-crop desk stalk starts here, at The Stamping Ground, with our fab Hostess, Julia.
 So, my desk then:
Unpacking what I came home from the Crop with- a lovely stamp put on the swap table by Mary Ann, a fab image of a Boot House- think  'There was an old woman who lived in a Shoe', which Debs gave me, I think she said it was a digi- stamp, but I may be wrong. I often am. A selection of die-cuts- a couple of Memory Box ones, a bagful of Jigsaw die cuts, which was another of Debs dies- never seen this before, it was a Provocraft one. Some Tim die cuts- windows/arches, with the leftovers as a stencil. A few embossed sheets using  ' Bird Call'  embossing folder. Raffle tickets- yes we ALL took them home for later use, rofl. Crafters ( Hoarders) to the core!
 I posted the link for the DIY Silicone mould making recipe in the previous post, for anyone who wanted to have a go. I might just possibly go and have a try at making up a small batch to see how it works. Have a great Wednesday.


Lunch Lady Jan said...

Great pics, Shaz! I love seeing other people's pictures, it's like the bits I missed during the day...a bit like wedding pics! Lol. You got the buttons in the raffle, yay, that was my favourite prize!!
Take care both, and see you very soon!
Hugs, LLJ 36 xxxx

Helen said...

I was hoping to see pics from Saturday, but I just see the post below so off to check it out now! It was so lovely to meet you (and Doug) at last. Helen, 5

Redanne said...

I have seen a few pics of the crop, looked like a lot of fun. Love what you brought back from the crop too and you are so right about us all being hoarders..... Happy WOYWW, Anne x #51

Sandy said...

My ATC's are all still wizzing around in the postal service as I am in Australia but what excitement there is still to come my way.. Of course you kept the tickets they are so great to add here and there.
You will have to see what passed behind me at a scrapbooking crop I went to last Friday its on my post sneak a peek..
Sandy :)

Anne said...

Hi there the Crop looked such fun. You're right we are hoarders!!! Happy WOYWW Anne x #52

Neil said...

Hi there,
Just popping in briefly, I'm supposed to be mowing the lawn!
Still, this is a better way to spend the morning in my opinion.
Looks like a nice haul of goodies from the crop.
Hope you have a great week.

Diana Taylor said...

Lots of interesting goodies to see - I love the flowers, and those Tim Holtz arches look really useful. Sounds like a great time was had by all! Have a great week,
Diana #71

The Taming of the Glue said...

The crop looks like it was amazing fun...wish I had been there. Love all the ATC's I've seen. Great photos of Avebury as well. Hugs. Pam#9

The House of Bears said...

Lucky you getting to the crop. Ŵe wish we lived near enough.

Waving hi from the bears @#85 this week.

Anonymous said...

Glad you are getting some use out of it! :) Lovely to meet you and your DH. and thanks for the ProMarkers chat :)

Happy WOYWW!
Mary Anne (10)

Rossella said...

Hi Shaz, sounds like you all had a great time.
I look forward to lots of raffle ticket themed projects,
Have fun
Rosie x

Krisha said...

H Shaz, Wonderful die cuts waiting to be played with.
Have a great week
Krisha #11

BJ said...

Loving all your crafty bits, especially the flowers diecuts. BJ#22

Fiona@Staring at the Sea said...

Looking forward to seeing where all those raffle tickets end up! Enjoy your week of nights xx

Fiona #117

Maisie Moonshine said...

Hi Shaz, loving those flowers on your desk today - very pretty. We're both on the same song sheet re the watering down paints - my plan exactly! (except for the Salty Ocean DP I bought in class 'cos I know I haven't got that shade of blue)This is NOT the start of a fall down a slippery slope! Thanks for your visit - hope to get your ATC to you this weekend. MMx

SandeeNC said...

My friends are all use to handing me their ticket stubs, coasters, ect, I have them well trained! lol I use to work night shift, up till 2 years ago, and I still find it hard to go to sleep during "normal" hours! But night shift was always more fun! waving hi from the hills of North Carolina ♥ #12

pearshapedcrafting said...

Wow! Such lovely things! I would have so loved to come, in fact hubby said we could, then we were asked to look after our grandchildren so it was no contest really! It looks although everyone had a great time from what I've seen! Chris 127

Caro said...

So wish I could have joined you at the crop... it sounds like great fun. The stash on your desk is lovely. Happy WOYWW. Thanks for sharing. Caro x (#55)

Hettie said...

Note to self: Take some cardstock to cut dies from next time!
You got some great cuts, though I managed to barter for Debs' flower die and had tried it soon after my coffee at home!!
Great day and lovely to meet you and Doug.

voodoo vixen said...

You look like you had a fabby time at the crop, great photos for all of us who didn't get to go. Happy WOYWW from Annette #8

fairy thoughts said...

HI Shaz and Doug
We did have a blast didn't we it was lovely to meet you (I have added the cake recipe to my post if you want it). I haven't even unpacked my die cuts yet and probably wont until the weekend and I haven't done my homework either. I hope you try your mould paste too
janet #26

Nan G said...

Looks all had a great time at the crop! How wonderful to meet IRL our virtual friends! Love the post below of the crop. I feel like I was there...tho I missed out on the goodies and the hugs. :) Happy WOYWW! Nan G #103

glitterandglue said...

What a great weekend you had - and some lovely gifts to bring home. Enjoy using them all.
Margaret #30

Nikki said...

Everything looks fantastic what new treats to play with :) hugs Nikki 2
enjoy the buttons too

KatzElbows said...

Shaz, it was so wonderful to meet you too. What a great day, and thank you so much for everything you did to make it great. Your desk is great; all that potential just sitting there gives me quite a tingle! Good luck with your projects.

Happy belated WOYWW,
Love Rachel #29

Debs Willis said...

Loved coming home with goodies to play with, and loved the Tattered florals so much!! Glad you like the Boot House and jigsaw die :-)
DIY silicone moulds tute is awesome! So have to try that out - dunno when I'll find the time but somewhen :-)
Debs #74

Queen Lightwell said...

Glad you had such a good time at the crop, sounds like everyone did of course, and what fun goodies you've brought home to play with! :) Thanks for stopping by and leaving me a comment already, enjoy the rest of WOYWW! :) Deeyll #144

Spyder said...

I know I'm very late but I couldn't get you to open! Definitely going to have a go at your silicon mouldings!
Happy Late WOYWW
31# ish!

Spyder said...

I know I'm very late but I couldn't get you to open! Definitely going to have a go at your silicon mouldings!
Happy Late WOYWW
31# ish!

An End of an era

An end of an era

I write this with a broken heart, that only time can heal My beautiful, wonderful wifelet Shaz (Silverwolf) passed away peacefully in the ea...