Didn't stay like this for long.
This is the scene a bit later, and just before the picture Julia has posted- everybody milling around to get organised for the group shot.
We all had the most fantastic time, very little real crafting actually done, but a brilliant time getting to chat to all the people we have virtual chats with every week.
Watched Zoe(craftygashead Zo) doing some awesome colouring, what an inspiration.
Kyla(Li'l Pidge) did some fab embellishments using a hot melt glue gun-taught us a great technique.
Kyla was using a two-part silicone moulding putty, to make her moulds. I promised those watching I'd post a link to a video for making your own silicone moulding putty using Silicone caulking( poundstore) and cornflour/baking powder/ talc, so here it is:
Economical silicone moulding paste .
I made a button flower for Morti's wedding bouquet- that bouquet looks amazing!
Had some great colouring tips from Rachel, katzelbows, watched Sam, Hettiecrafts, doing some beautiful lacemaking, and met Fergus, proudly wearing his WOYWW badge.
I discovered Sam has a passion for purple, Sam, we think we found the perfect car for you, on FB last night:
Mary Anne was doing some beautiful quilting, with the largest quilting hoop I've ever seen.
Helens journal has inspired me to get to work with doing one, as did Kyla's.
Donnas printing was amazing- I'd be up to my armpits in ink! I saw Fiona, Staring at the Sea, using some gorgeous stamps ( Sold, to this lady, lol)
Cardarian making ATC's , chatted for ages with both Debs, Laura, Cindy & everyone!lol. Julia was delightfully funny, even when trying to boss us into actually doing something other than talk. Jan can make the most amazing food- you have to try her Coronation Chicken.

Prizes from Jan's raffle:
Bits from the goodie bags, and I just love the Penguin chocolate buttons! Next to Wolves, my other mad passion is penguins- how cool is that.
Arrived home to two lovely ATC's in my Happy Mail, from Voodoo Vixen and Sandra De:

Spent the weekend at Jans, with her lovely Husband and Son, and two adorable cats, they made us feel so welcome, it was just like being at home, shared with great friends.
After we left Jans on Sunday morning, we drove to Avebury, as the weather was gorgeous, as it had been for the whole weekend. Walked the circle of stones, then out to Silbury Hill, and Kennett Long Barrow.

I reckon I walked off every calorie I've eaten for the last month! and I caught the sun.
Thanks ladies for a really fantastic day- to Julia & Jan for all the organising, and all the Deskers for such wonderful company & inspiration. Looking forward to the next one already.
I almost feel like I'm on holiday today- we start working Night shift tonight, so I seem to have more time on my hands than I know what to do with, lol. I'm not used to not rushing around & clockwatching. See you all on Wednesday, same time, same place. xxxxx