But, the reason we are here, is our weekly visit to WOYWW, kept organised by our much loved leader, Julia, over at The Stamping Ground.
Considering how long we've all been in lockdown, I think I've been remarkably restrained with my craft enabling. I did order some stuff from Sweet Poppy - a Snowflake stencil, along with it's matching cutting die, and the one at the end is a Postbox, although that isn't actually the one I ordered, so may well be being sent back to swap for the Lamppost one I actually ordered.
My only other purchase from last week was some storage packets for my 6" square cards. I do have a pack that says they fit 6" square cards, and they do, the trouble is they don't fit a 6" envelope!
Tried these new ones and they do fit, which means the other pack are not 6" square, as it's the envelopes that are 6", not the card base.
I was MIA last week, as the day after my CT scan, I came down with a doozy of a UTI. Completely wiped me out, and took 4 days worth of anti biotics before it started to clear, so it had really got a good hold.
Kept meaning to say my bad shoulder finally healed, after realising it was down to a trapped nerve, and that sometimes I'd get no trouble all day, then get up the next morning and it was troubling me again, I came to the conclusion that maybe it had something to do with how I was sleeping. So, added a second pillow and within 3 or 4 days, it had gone completely. So thats all good now.

And thats me done for this week, just leaves.....And Finally.......