A warm welcome to all my visitors,

Thank you for taking the time to come and look at my blog, I really do appreciate it. I would love you to leave me a comment, even if it’s just to say Hi. It means I can come visit you!

All my designs are original, so copyrighted to me. If I have been inspired by someone elses work, I have named them in the post, and where able, I have provided a link.

Please feel free to use my designs for inspiration, I just ask you to credit me, and provide a link back to my blog.

Thanks, Shaz XX

Wednesday 19 February 2014

WOYWW #246

Good Morning everyone- this is what currently resides on my desk, for this weeks Show & Tell, hosted as always by our Head Desker, Julia, at The Stamping Ground. Click the link and join in the fun.
Looking a whole lot tidier than it has for the last week, what with glitter for the Valentines card, and then gilding flakes, in my last two posts.Although I have to say, gilding flakes make glitter look positively well behaved.
 This card came from the scraps in my last post- the pieces that didn't come out as well as I wanted. I'd punched out some squares from them, and luckily got 9. It sort of shouted 'Oriental' at me, so that was how I went. Matted the squares onto black, then embossed gold card, then black again. Mounted that onto a square of Origami paper, then onto a square black card base. I also managed to punch a few dragonflies from the last remaining scrap bits,with an X-Cut punch that surprisingly goes through quite thick card easily, so added a couple of those, and a Chinese coin to finish the theme. Got a few dragonflies left over, and three more images to turn into cards. A few bits at the back, from a UFO a few weeks ago. Sat staring at me, waiting for inspiration to strike. So that's me, short and sweet this week- there's a novelty! After this has posted, I shall also be entering it into Pixies Snippets Challenge, as it came from scraps.


Helen said...

Wow, that is so gorgeous!! I don't use my flakes enough, I wonder where they are...?! Have a good week. Helen 10

Claire said...

Love the card - black and gold, so classy and effective!
Happy WOYWW :)
no. 31

Lunch Lady Jan said...

I love all things oriental so that card is really pleasing, especially as you made it from scraps. Even better!
Gilding flakes sound fun but messy :-) I'd be a disaster with them, I can never do things tidilly, lol!
Hugs, LLJ 44 xx

Anonymous said...

LOL! If those are the rejects..... :) Had to pop back to see the post before too - liking the look of Sticky Stuff, seems way more tidy to use than that flitter/flutter/glitter glue stuff. and such fine detail. Lovely!

An early Happy WOYWW!

Mary Anne (20)

sandra de said...

Fabulous cards and thanks for the tips on how to use gilding flakes I have a packet somewhere and still have not used them.
Sandra @25

Maisie Moonshine said...

WOW - those gilding flakes look amazing, love that black and gold theme and the hints of colour in the flakes are stunning. MMx #57

Unknown said...

Stunning card! Happy WOYWW
Love Karen #47 xxx

The House of Bears said...

That's a very sophisticated card. We love it.

The bears @#73

Krisha said...

Gorgeous card Shaz! I agree gilding flakes make glitter a walk in the park, but such a beautiful medium to use.
Krisha #9

Maisie Moonshine said...

MDF monograms and gilding flakes - now THAT could be A M A Z I N G! MMx

Bonnie said...

So elegant! Love that tiny dragonfly!

Shoshi said...

I love what you've done with your "rejects," Shaz. Just shows you can always make use of what you might otherwise throw away. Gilding flakes are fun - as long as you don't sneeze!!

Thanks for your visit and your nice comment. We've just received news that Beatrice's biopsy was fine - the lump was not malignant, and we just have to wait for her to make a full recovery now. She does look cute in her little frilly dress, doesn't she!!

Happy WOYWW,
Shoshi #60

Unknown said...

Beautiful card! And the stuff on the left side of you photo look quite interesting, too. Great dragonflies! Happy WOYWW!
Carol N #18

Anne said...

It's gorgeous. Gilding flakes - hmmm not tried that yet. Happy WOYWW Anne x #53

Christine said...

How fascinating!! Well done for using your scraps as well. Loved this post and your previous on.
Bishopsmate #67

glitterandglue said...

Hello Shaz. I'm with Mary Anne - if those little pieces are the rejects....!!! It's a lovely card. Well done.
Thanks for visiting earlier.
Margaret #17

Hettie said...

This is gorgeous Shaz. I love the gold and black together. Brilliant.

fairy thoughts said...

Hi shaz I think the reason I haven t brought guilding flakes is because I have heard they are badly behaved .... beautiful but unhelpful...
to answer your question ref the stamp handles ... I am going to use them for blending foam and stuff.. they are so old the rubber had perished ... lucky for me
have a good week
janet #30

Nelle said...

A beautiful card. Black cards always have that bit extra, this is perfect example of what I mean.
Nelle 71 xx

Di said...

Hi Shaz - welcome to the Snippets Playground! LOVE this card - and am sooo with you about gilding flakes. They seem to have a life of their own but do produce fabulous results!

Sorry I'm a bit late commenting - playing catch up here!



Sarn said...

Wahoo - welcome to the playground . . . come on . . . jump on the other end of the seesaw with me! Wheeeee!

Love the look of your oriental card.xxx

MaggieC (Silvercrafter) said...

I love gilding flakes but you cannot use them with a window open nor if you have a cold or hay fever, in fact, nor is you are even breathing. You got some lovely effects on that black card. It works well on acetate too. I shall re-sort those remountable stamps as I use them. At the moment, I know where every single one is, which is quite an achievement. Have a good week. xx Maggie #97

Kyla said...

Love your snippets....gilding flakes make anything look luxurious.
Kyla 104

Cazzy said...

Hi Shaz, sorry I didn't get back sooner, my computer was in a bad way and now I am trying to catch up and find programs to reload on it. Also I had an operation yesterday and my husband had some bad news and isn't taking it well.
I love your card, I must use my gilding flakes. I saw a challenge a while back to use your crafting "sins", anything you had bought and never used, and thought where do I start - I have a room full of crafting sins!
Cazzy x

Unknown said...

Lovely card, not a fan of flakes myself I get into too much mess! Karen #101

BJ said...

Love what you have done with your left over pieces, the squares look fantastic and I love dragonflies. Yes the wood on my harp is gorgeous, it is rosewood which has been waxed but exactly which one I don't know. Sorry I’m a bit late replying this week, too much Winter Olympics to watch, harp to play and everything, thanks for the visit BJ#77

scrappymo! said...

Amazing snippets card. I think the gold and black is just stunning!

MaryH said...

Saw your awesome gilded card highlighted over at the Snippet Playground, and zipped over to enjoy your blog (found out I'm already a follower when I tried to join!) I have been intimidated by the flakes - my one effort was not stellar. This is so pretty & dramatic with the black & gold. Really gorgeous. Thanks for a most enjoyable visit, and congrats on being highlighted at the Snippet Playground. TFS

pearshapedcrafting said...

This is lovely - well done for gilding so beautifully! I 'found' mine at the weekend, used them this morning for the first time in ages - got so stuck up it could be a while till I use them again!! Chris75

Unknown said...

Lovely card, respect for guilding! Karen #44

Julia Dunnit said...

Well, One thing I do know....you will get a strike of inspiration, you always do, and then it pushes me because I get jealous!!! love the flakes offcuts, funnily enough I did use mine over the last week....prolly a subliminal copy!

An End of an era

An end of an era

I write this with a broken heart, that only time can heal My beautiful, wonderful wifelet Shaz (Silverwolf) passed away peacefully in the ea...