A warm welcome to all my visitors,

Thank you for taking the time to come and look at my blog, I really do appreciate it. I would love you to leave me a comment, even if it’s just to say Hi. It means I can come visit you!

All my designs are original, so copyrighted to me. If I have been inspired by someone elses work, I have named them in the post, and where able, I have provided a link.

Please feel free to use my designs for inspiration, I just ask you to credit me, and provide a link back to my blog.

Thanks, Shaz XX

Wednesday, 1 January 2014

Lilybo Quilt- at last!

At last! My LilyBo quilt has finally been finished. It seems I started it ages ago, and just completely lost track of last year.The quilt was about three parts done, it was the bag that was daunting me. Not having made one before, I could see disaster looming.
 Anyhow, the sewing machine was out, as I had to adjust the length on the Louvre blind Hubby was putting up in his window last night, so I decided now or never.
 Speaking of Beloved Hubby, he is holding the quilt up from behind the door!

                                                                                    The front of the bag has a panel of bears on it.

The back of the bag has a pocket made from a spare bear patch.

Struggled with the handles a bit- not done those before either.
 Main problem I think, is that I don't use my sewing machine enough, so I'm not really very familiar with it, and every time something didn't go right, I had to keep getting the manual out. Also need to remember to change needles a bit more often. I can see wonky lines, which irritates me, but me and straight lines don't get along too well! Anyhow, I'll be packing this up and getting it off to JoZarty over the weekend, along with a little bear for the pocket.

An End of an era

An end of an era

I write this with a broken heart, that only time can heal My beautiful, wonderful wifelet Shaz (Silverwolf) passed away peacefully in the ea...