Nearly done on the C-cards, I'll blog them in the next day or two. So, my show & tell for this week, is a couple of (possibly) usefultips I came up with while making them.
My first thought for the sentiments was to matt them onto little banners, although I dropped that plan afterwards. But while I was planning to do it, I wanted a quick way to cut all the strips into pointy banner shapes. I'd seen a tutorial link on Pinterest using a heart punch, but my heart punch has a slightly wonky shaped heart, and wouldn't work. Rooting about in the punch drawer. I spotted a square punch.
So I wondered if I could do it with that. And you can.

By placing the strip into the punch like in the picture below, you get quick, neat banners.

So thats my exciting discovery for this week, :).
Now a little bit of a (cheap) enabler. You know that expensive copper tape for edging microscope slides, dominoes etc? Retails at about a fiver a roll, I believe? Well, I was in Poundland a few weeks ago, and spotted this stuff, which I originally bought to put around my planters, to keep the slugs at bay.

Copper barrier tape, 2 metres, (thats 6ft 6" in proper measurements) for a quid. Good job I bought a couple, 'cos this one won't be going in the garden!
I had a couple of replies last week from WOYWWers going to the NEC on Saturday, so I'm looking forward to meeting up with them at some point during the day.You can be sure there'll be pictures next week.
Finally, to brighten what is bound to be a wet & icky day, at least here in the UK, a bit of humour.
Have a great day!