Not a lot happening on mine this week, still plodding along with the C-Cards,and I've stuck all the acrylic gems (finally, they took forever) onto my stamped image,now I've had to order some plain white card to make the bases.
All sitting in a pile, looking like a load of sparkly beer mats, lol.
Various odds & ends elsewhere, my Bamboo plant( must give it a drink), offcuts of card etc.
The new stamps at the front I couldn't resist-who in their right mind sends me an e-mail about stamps that contain a skull, and think I might not be tempted?

I really did not 'get' the whole moustache thing- they probably will never get used, but the skull & top hat? Sold, to this lady. From Stamp Addicts, by the way.
So thats my selection for you this week- and as for the cocktail stirrers, the only thing I've made with them so far is another couple of Mohito's, rofl.
Oh an early heads up- next weekend, 7th to 10th November is the Hobbycrafts show at the NEC, Birmingham. I will be going along on Saturday 9th, so if anyone else is visiting that day and would like to meet up & maybe have a coffee & chat, let me know. I do Saturday rather than Friday, as the NEC is a 20 minute drive from where we live to get there, and at least an hour on a Friday afternoon for Hubby to come & pick me up. M42 traffic is horrendous then.