This one arrived before the Birthday, and is from Nikki. Included some of her fabulous artwork, and bits of ephemera. As well as a host of gorgeous stamps on the envelope!
Nikki also produces the fab birthday badges for our blogs every year- this years 9th ones are available on Julias blog, if you missed them on Nikkis last week.
Diana's (Velvet Moth Studios) came in a beautifully decorated matching envelope, Heathers in a little card, as did Annie & Jo's( Wipso & Twiglet), with a lovely little verse.
Margaret (Glitter& Glue), LLJ, Sarah Brennan, Helen (Stamping by H) and Cindy. Awesome little cards with them too.
Kim Young, Neet (Hickydorums) and Angela (Felix the Crafty Cat). Angela also included some pieces of ephemera, and some die cuts!

Kyla was actually my PIF, then she sent me one in return, along with some fab pieces of her backgrounds. Love the moths on the envelope too!

Zsuzsa (Inkydinkydoodle) also included some goodies in her ATC, which came in a gorgeous envelope of handprinted paper.
Thank you so much everyone, for the swaps, and the amazing goodies so many of you included. I need to up my game next year, clearly! 😀

In other news, how many of you ladies, and I'm pretty sure it will be mainly the Brits, and ladies 'of a certain age', lol,- remember the PG Tips Tea monkeys from (a lot of )years ago?
My late youngest brother was crazy about them as a small child, and they once ran an offer to buy a toy version, which was actually quite large- probably as tall as your average 2 year old.
Anyway, this pic, which my niece took a few days ago, is of her daughter playing with it now. 47 YEARS LATER! Yes, that's how old it is, and it looks pretty much the same now as it did when Darrell got it. They don't make toys like that anymore.
The real monkeys from the ads used to live at Twycross Zoo, and I remember my Dad taking us there a few times, so Darrell could see them.
Did a little gardening over the weekend, and this old fashioned Aquilegia, I think they are called Grannys Bonnets, were very much flavour of the day for the bees! They were loving them. I also have some in white, and two shades of purple, and they are quite shameless about spreading their seeds all over the garden, which I rather like.
I also made some Christmas cards for the Fortnightly challenge, and they are in the post below.
And finally..............following on from last weeks Viking revelation............................