My desk, in all it's cluttered splendour this week. I've been making some Birthday cards, in the post below, and still have the makings for 3 more from the same stamp, bottom centre. In front of them, boxes with acrylic pearls and gems in. Just behind that, a Really Useful Box with pre cut ribbon & bow die cuts in, and next to them, another batch of Birthday card fronts waiting to get made up.
My UFO box at the back is getting over full, I really should see what I can make with what's in there.
The most eagle eyed will have noticed a new tab at the top of my pages- Christmas Cards Gallery. I've been on a real roll this year, and there are some new ones in posts lower down. I've put all my Christmas Cards on this page, each has a link to the post about them. Just means people can browse the images without having to go through loads of posts.
This is the most recent batch of cards born from that jumble on the desk.
Well, still not had any appointments through, but I did phone up on Friday and chase it, so hopefully won't be long. But it does mean that we can get to The Happy Stampers Festival this weekend, which I'm really chuffed about!
We've booked a Premier Inn room for Friday night, same place we used last time which is only 5 minutes away from Hulme Hall. So we'll travel up Friday afternoon, then come back after the show on Saturday.
It's about 2 1/2 hours drive from us, so means Doug doesn't have to do it twice in one day this way.
As far as I know, other WOYWWers going are Helen (H), Neet (Hickydorums), Chris (Pearshapedcrafting) and Lisa ( Lisa's Craft Garden). Will be great fun to meet and catch up with all these lovely ladies. And of course, stuff will be purchased, which I''ll share next week, :)
Have a lovely week everyone, and I'll catch up in a while.
And finally, a funny for the day.