Me and Jans Hubby in a little side chapel, which has the most stunning carved wood altar. Its clearly a whole tree stump- and has been carved with fishes. The benches were very unusual too- curved and flowing.

After the Cathedral,we visited the cafe for coffee and cake. I was very restrained, and had some delicious shortbread. Can't say the same for Beloved Hubby though.

A towering cream and Strawberry jam scone.
A stroll around the town and along by the river helped him walk that off!
Back at Jans, and they've been very busy re-ordering the garden. She now has a lovely area to look out on from the kitchen window.
Ron, sitting in what is clearly his favourite spot.
Does my bum look big on this?rofl!
Sunday, on our way home, we visited Bath for a walk around. Been through there before, but not actually stopped off. Gorgeous town, so many wonderful buildings, you spend all your time walking around looking up at them, not watching where you are going.
The park was amazing too- these floral sculptures of butterflys and a dragonfly were wonderful.
So, now we are waiting for an appointment to see the consultant, and see what the plan of action is. You will see I've started a new page,and everything will appear on there now. I'll update it as and when we get any new info.Its running in sequence top to bottom, so you'll need to scroll down to the end each time there's something to update. Wasn't sure whether to do it like that, or reverse the order, and have the oldest stuff at the bottom, and newest at the top.That may be better-let me know what you think, will you? Off to bed now, will be visiting later.