Morning all! MIA last week, mainly thanks to Beloved Hubby. Despite telling him he doesn't have to share EVERYTHING with me, he absolutely insisted on giving me his leftover flu germs. Of course, I didn't get the full, terrible type of man-flu, just the weedy female bird-flu version (!), but left me fit for nothing. Plus the week from hell at work didn't help. But I'm back again, and as you see, have been playing with stamps & inkpads. A lot of smallish images to make some batch cards with, which I will be putting together & blogging later in the week. Probably over the weekend, as Thursday is our 4th Wedding Anniversary, so Friday night we are going out for a celebratory meal. Bonus- no washing up!
This was how they all started:
You know all those little 'filler' type stamps you get in sets?The ones that you never seem to use? I decided I'd have a go at using some of them, based on some similar cards I'd seen on Pinterest recently.
And by the way, no, its not a blurred image, and its not your eyes, even if it is early. The images have been stamped twice, in a pale, then vivid, version of the same colour. So, do the right thing, pop over to Auntie Julia's at
The Stamping Ground and link in, show us what you got! On earlies this week (groan), so with a bit of luck, and no oversleeping, I'll link before going to work and visit this afternoon.