Spritzed it all over with lemon juice, just the sort you get in a plastic bottle to squeeze on your pancakes-then set loose with the heat gun.
I could never get that much random by inking, I don't think.
So its coming along nicely.

Working nights, we've found it simpler to stick to the same pattern over the weekend, and Saturday night I was happily crafting away, it was so warm I opened my window wide to try to get any air that might be moving around in. Bad mistake. Every moth within a 3 mile radius decided it wanted to visit my craft room and barrel about bouncing off the lights, the walls, and me! Very distracting. Especially when you get one the size of a small bat popping in.
Meet my new friend:

He settled up in a corner overnight, and I called Beloved Hubby to come see him the next day.
He retrieved him to put him back outside.
He's a Poplar Hawkmoth, if you're interested. The moth, that is, not Beloved Hubby.
I'm typing this on Tuesday afternoon, so I can schedule it for Wednesday morning- we had an awesome amount of rain & thunderstorms this morning. Yay for the Met office! Got it right this time. For those around the world surprised by this, we are rather used to getting the exact opposite of what they forecast- it actually comes as quite a shock when they get it right.