A warm welcome to all my visitors,

Thank you for taking the time to come and look at my blog, I really do appreciate it. I would love you to leave me a comment, even if it’s just to say Hi. It means I can come visit you!

All my designs are original, so copyrighted to me. If I have been inspired by someone elses work, I have named them in the post, and where able, I have provided a link.

Please feel free to use my designs for inspiration, I just ask you to credit me, and provide a link back to my blog.

Thanks, Shaz XX

Wednesday, 27 November 2019

WOYWW #547- The 'I'm in my craft room' Edition.

Indeed, and here is the proof. Finally made it up into my craft room. As you can see, an almighty mess from stuff just being dumped or left out as I hadn't got the energy to deal with any of it.
 But I did finally get to sort out the stuff bought at the NEC, so let the Enabling commence!

First off, some loose glitters, some foils, and the big roll is Double sided adhesive sheet, someone was selling it in a variety of sized rolls, this one looks to be about A4 in width.

A few stencils, dies and stamps from Sweet Poppy.

The octopus is new, looks a bit like a Kraken, I think. Very large Dragons Eye stamp.

A few new stamps from Lavinia, they've had quite a few releases lately.

A stencil and number stamps from Honey Doo, both outline & solid. They've had a Black Friday 20% off sale this week, so will be a few more stamps to share next week.

 A new heat gun, a dual heat one from Wow! My hairdryer type is good, but they're not really meant for heat embossing/melting stuff, more for drying, so the hotter heat of this type will help prevent a lot of warping of cardstock!

Some glitter cardstock, the non shed, die cuttable type.

And lastly some of the fab 'oil on water' type cardstock. And that was it. As you can see, very little was actually bought.

So, moving on, something I wanted to share, as I think it may interest those who do Mixed Media work, or shadow boxes/ filled jars etc.

  My eldest son Ant had been working on these a few weeks ago, I've just kept forgetting to include them in my post.

What he did was to take some of the tiny seed type fairy lights, then around each light stem he moulded a 'stalk' using Translucent Silicone Sealant, the sort you'd use in a kitchen/bathroom.  After the stalk had set, he moulded a mushroom cap from more sealant, then stuck the two parts together with a tiny dab of silicone when the caps were set.

The white ones are 'as  is', the green have had a little ink/paint added to the silicone. When it was all fully set, he's mounted them onto pieces of bark picked up on local woodland walks. Pictures don't do them justice, they look awesome in real life.
So, running late today but finally done, I'll pop over to Julias place, The Stamping Ground, and leave my link in a minute.

But that brings us round to this weeks ....And Finally, and theres more than one for you here. Came across these amusing Garment washing Instructions!

Wednesday, 20 November 2019

WOYWW #546- The 'Hi Honey I'm Home' Edition.

Indeed I am, I was released Saturday evening, so just working on getting stronger now. And I am much, much better today, so thanks to everyone for all the good wishes last week. I have a step counter to give me a visual on how I'm improving, and also a Pulse Oximeter to measure my blood Oxygen level- one of those things they clip onto your finger? Anyway, I was at 91% oxygen when they released me, and yesterday I could manage 20- 30 steps before needing to stop to get my breath back, resting for a minute or so. Today I'm on 95%, and can do 80-100 steps, and only takes me a few seconds to level my breathing, so well on the way to recovery.
Still not up in my craft room yet, that'll probably be over the weekend I'm guessing, so no unpacking yet.
As you can see, a whole mountain of stuff to be sorted, old & new. One new thing I can share is the stamp and die set, front left corner. In true crafting dedication, this was ordered from my hospital bed,lol. I saw Jennifer MacGuire using it a few weeks ago now, and looked for it online. In the UK, there is a site called  Dies to Die For, and she has loads of stuff from many American companies, such as Pretty Pink Posh, Mama Elephant,Altenew, and many many more.
 I don't normally buy stamp/die sets, as I'm not a fan of the white border they leave around designs, but the beauty of this one is having a design stamped out onto the letters, which you can either then mount on the card, or use it for an Eclipse card. Plus you can just die cut the JOY and use as is. So, anyway, when I first looked for it, it wasn't in stock, but I got an email when it was,so I jumped on it straight away. Quite possibly won't get used this year now, but I'm ready for next!
So thats this weeks enabling sorted.
To circle back to last weeks comments I made on the NEC show, the problems seem to be that the organisers are pricing Exhibitors out, many I spoke with are finding the fees exhorbitant now, and when they are also finding out that not everyone is being charged the same for the same size stand, they are starting to drop away, quite understandably. Plus, it's not just papercrafts, they have all sorts of craft and hobby stands, and as in previous years, I'm finding I'm only interested in perhaps 1 in 5 stands, maybe even less. I also noticed a rise in the number of £1 stands- more than theres ever been before, they seem to concentrate on DST/ cardstock packs/odds and ends in the main. Not helping that they charge £12 if you pre book parking, £16 if you pay on the day! Normally we'd go to Happy Stampers, but I thought I would be better avoiding crowds at that point, however that didn't really work out so well. If I'd have given it enough thought, instead of booking for the NEC, I'd have waited a few more weeks, and gone to the Papercraft Show at the Motorcycle Museum, which is just across the island from the NEC. Thats free parking, and just £4 entrance, I can't recall what the NEC was, as I got disabled & carer rates, but I think the general price is in the £15 range.So the MM show will definitely be on my list for next year, as will probably at least one of the Stamperama shows for a change.
So I think thats all from me right now, I'll link in with you at at Julias place, The Stamping Ground, and visit in between naps on the recliner, lol.
Which just leaves.......................And Finally.........................

Wednesday, 13 November 2019

WOYWW #545- The Normal Enabling Service will be resumed as soon as possible Edition.

And it will, eventually. This WOYWW is coming to you from a hospital bed at the Alexandra hospital, Redditch. Been here since about 3.00 am Saturday, and probably here till Fri/Sat.
So heres my desk- Dougs idea!
Or maybe you'd like to see my new bruise collection?
I know my usual shade is black but I think I pull of  this years shades of blues, greens and browns rather well,lol.

The result of trying to get blood from my veins. easier to get it from a stone.Looks like I've beeen the pinboard in a game of Pin the Tail on the Donkey!  😀


Trying to get a canula in here, all thats happening is I'm starting to look like a junkie.


All of this is the result of having my chemo session, which gave me a chest infection again. Was getting over that slowly, and I caught a cold which made it harder  and harder to breathe, and i ended up in here.

We did go to the  Hobbycrafts show at the NEC,and I know I have said it before but this time I mean it, I won't bother again. Very unimpressed, the papercrafting side of things seems to be shrinking every time we go. Noticed this time that Inkylicious, Chloe and Indigo blu were not there, and I know one other company who told us this was there last show. All my purchases are still in bags on my desk, not even had the strength or energy to unpack. So thats the Enabling to come.😀

 There has to be a selfie , its the rules :)
 A blog post is not complete with out the

And finally........

An End of an era

An end of an era

I write this with a broken heart, that only time can heal My beautiful, wonderful wifelet Shaz (Silverwolf) passed away peacefully in the ea...