Quite an assortment of colours, and I do enjoy playing with alcohol inks. Generally, you have no real idea of what you'll end up with, and quite often something that looks particularly awful will come to life with the right image stamped on it. Many is the piece which was destined for the bin has been saved by the perfect image. Actually, this post is the result of a sudden panic- I'd spent all day thinking Tuesday was Monday!
All this activity, of course is for our regular Wednesday meetup at Julia's place, The Stamping Ground.

And I did manage to get the Wedding card finished- and it came out pretty much how I saw it in my head, which I always see as a bonus! After the card has been given, which is next weekend, I'll post the 'making of' pics and write-up.
Finally, I got a phone call yesterday from my surgeons nurse, to say I had been discussed in this weeks MDT meeting, and that he's made an appointment for us to see him on Thursday afternoon. So tomorrow we will know if this chemo has been successful, and if its on to the next step, the surgery. I'm quietly hopeful that it has, as on Friday we already have an appointment to see the Oncologist, for a final check after the chemo,and I'm thinking that if more chemo was needed, I'd just be seeing him, the surgeon wouldn't have squeezed me into the clinic at short notice. So fingers crossed, not that I'm excited about the idea of the surgery, but I really want to get this done now, so I can start getting back as close to normal as I'm ever likely to be.