I can't believe its Wednesday again- where do these weeks go? I really must start some Christmas shopping soon, I think. Welcome to this weeks Workdesk wander, courtesy of our charming hostess, Julia of
The Stamping Ground.
This fridge magnet sums up what is on my workdesk this week, along with every other surface in the house- even poor old Ambrose if he lies still long enough, and being a cat, lying still is possibly what he does best. He definitely gets in enough practice to be World Class anyway.
And why do I have such a dusty house, you ask? Apart from not doing any housework?
The reason is here:
This is the ceiling.Well, part of it anyway. And yes, it is on the floor.
This is where it used to be:
This is Beloved Hubbys current project, my new craft room. Which was my youngest son's bedroom, until he moved out. So the room is being redecorated,( for redecorated, read renovated!) and needs some plastering. Actually now it needs a LOT of plastering! Seriously though, that ceiling has been up for a hundred years plus, plaster on lath, and in places it seemed a bit loose. So its all coming down to be replaced with plasterboard.
This was just as he started. I did think that if he'd strapped the vacuum cleaner to his back, it would A) have made him look even more like a Ghostbuster, and B) meant he could have cleaned up as he went along. I didn't think it wise to voice that thought, though. And yes, Hublet, I can see you looking over your glasses at me as you read this, :)

Been some interesting stuff here, not least of all the old gas pipes in the wall from when the houses all had gas lamps,
and the Lead weights from when there were sash windows fitted were still inside the wall.
This is Hubby trying to hide the tide mark on his forehead from the goggles. My current room isn't blue, by the way, it has a fluorescent light in it, and I have to keep changing the settings on the camera between rooms! You can also see the old bedspread pinned over the door to try (unsuccessfully, I might add) to stop the dust escaping.
I have been getting round to some Christmas cards as well, and here they are part way through.
The fronts, anyway, as they are to be easel cards.
Final round off, you remember I posted earlier in the year that we were re-doing our bedroom? had a new roof to the house, and our bedroom ceiling raised. Well, it finally got finished, apart from one or two little details, and this is what it was:
And this is what it looks like now:

Well, I shall schedule this post, and see if Mr Linky is up and awake before I go to work at 5.30( that is just such a stupid time to have to go out), and I will be back to visit this afternoon. Have a great Wednesday folks, see you later!
Had this urge to write Catch you later, Dudes!then, (watched Bill & Ted again recently, lol.)