First off I want to thank you all for the cards, your messages of both support and encouragement and I would like to apologise for the lack of replies &, thank yous, I could say I have been busy, but that would simply not be the whole truth although to a degree I have been.
In all honesty for the most part, that has not really been the truth, since Christmas, I felt lost and numb, going through the motions, and a lack of motivation.
Having moments of reflection has not been all bad, the last chats we had had, the meals I cooked for her (she went on an omelette phase) and then believe it or not, the last thing Sharon insisted on the night before she went into hospital was a Whites lemonade ice lolly, she lay in bed with it and wore more than she ate as it was melting and dropping off, she gave me 'that look' for finding it amusing ha ha
It is not like I am going out of my way to remember these things, they are flooding to the surface, in resounding waves.
I was sure that Thursday 9th February would have broken me, as it was going to mark the day that I had no choice but to call the ambulance again, but this time, unbeknown to me, it would be the last.
Surprisingly it did not, in part I know that Sharon stayed here at home with me for as long as we could really allow, this I know, I also know that there was nothing more that, I or the medical profession could do, other than to make her final days as pain free and as comfortable as possible surrounded by her loved ones.
But more often than not I find my mind (when I allow it to be) is pulled to happier times, for us we were fortunate in being so 'in tune', the only dark days were cancer related, there was no real no arguments, that does not mean one of us was more dominant that the other, but more of how truly in sync we were.
I am waffling again aren't I?
We all remember Sharon for different reasons, for me at least, it is for her eyes and the way her smile began inside of them, the way she would look at me brings me comfort and always will.
We truly were genuinely lucky to have found each other.

Lunch time today I have arranged for a meal for the family, this way nobody needs to spend it alone should they not wish to be, this is at the same pub we had our post wedding/pre wedding reception meal at, it felt only fitting, although time will tell how I feel on the today.
I have also booked the tomorrow off work, I had contemplated booking the 9th & 10th off but it has helped keep me focused on something other than my thoughts.