The rules for this award are:
1. Thank the person that passed it to you.
2. Copy the award to your blog.3. Share three things about yourself that you enjoy doing.
4. Pass the award to 5 others.
So first, Donna...Thank you so much- my first ever award, you have made my day, week, month.....
Next my 3 shares are:
1. Rubber stamping, of course
2. Reading: Fantasy fiction in particular,
3. Listening to Heavy Metal
And the 5 ladies that I am passing this award onto are:
1. Marg (Silvercrafter) My co- Mother -in-Law and very good friend
2. Tina (Scrapdiva)
3. Cammi (Cuttin up)
4. Alison (Crafty-Bake) Cardmaking AND Cake- what more could anyone want?
5. Diane Clark (Stampin ldglfr62)
Apart from Marg, all these ladies I have found on SCS, and lose many a happy hour (and more) just going round checking out the blogs, so I want to say a huge thank you to all of you for being so inspiring, so creative, and most of all for sharing what you do with all of us.And trying to pick just 5 is so hard- every blog I see I find work that I love...