A warm welcome to all my visitors,

Thank you for taking the time to come and look at my blog, I really do appreciate it. I would love you to leave me a comment, even if it’s just to say Hi. It means I can come visit you!

All my designs are original, so copyrighted to me. If I have been inspired by someone elses work, I have named them in the post, and where able, I have provided a link.

Please feel free to use my designs for inspiration, I just ask you to credit me, and provide a link back to my blog.

Thanks, Shaz XX

Wednesday, 22 September 2021

WOYWW 642 - check in and share of new found videos

 So I figured as part of this post is craft related (not mine but our beloved Shaz's It is only right I schedule the post for a Whats On Your Work-desk Wednesday, after all it is kind of Sharon's desk I am sharing on her behalf.

You see, I was updating Sharon's PC this weekend and while snooping around (as you do) I explored her craft drive again, this time I came across 3 videos that she hadn't uploaded to the Tube of You's (Youtube) yet, I have looked through the blog to see if they where here but could not find them.

They may have been uploaded and I have overlooked them, but hey, better to share them twice than not at all right?

The birds video folder

The folder named 'uploaded' is one I created after going through her YouTube channel amd matching videos, gratuitous plug for the channel is below👀

BIrds youtube channel

There were a few videos to sort through and ensure they have not been uploaded,  I have given them each a name and added date of the video to the title of the video, in time I will sit and watch all her videos properly to learn from her and of course to hear her voice again as I miss her so very much.
The ones that are scheduled to go live along with this post can be found below.

 Snowflake triple stamped card (recorded 05/08/2018)

Stencils & Stencil paste (recorded 10/12/2018) inspired by Lucy Ellis for (Sweet Poppy)

Foil embossing techniques (recorded 12/12/2018)

So now about me 

So what have I been up to?

Outside of working or working on work stuff (if that makes sense?) I have kept myself busy

First off I have to confess to having...well..... I managed to fluff my Mod 1 bike test, not once but twice by putting my foot down on the slow manoeuvres each time (different places), the first time (slalom) I expected it as I did not feel confident going in, the second though I have no idea why I (insert naughty word here) it up, but I put my foot down on the U-turn, something I have been going over and over and nailing almost 100% of the time.

My conclusion is this,

Shaz wants me to have more practice and is keeping me safe, I know I will pass when I am meant to so I am not that concerned, I have my next Mod one on the 29th so the third times a charm right?

In the interim I have the use of my nephews 1 year old 125cc bike on which to practice on, this I have been doing when the weather has been ok and sometimes when it has not been.

On that score I have joined a couple of facebook groups for motorcycles, one named 'Bikers of Worcestershire' and the other called 'Biker escorts UK

Now I know what you are thinking 😕

 Doug! about that last one!!!!!!

Well it is not what you think (gutter level the lot of you) this is an official group that organise group escorts/rides for occasions like Proms & funerals etc 

It was the latter of which that caught my attention.

As you know I fretted like mad trying to ensure that Sharon's send off was as perfect as I possibly could, ensuring I tried my best to ensure everything was as perfect as it could be.

Well when bikers passes, if they (or their loved ones) want them to have a motorcycle escort is where this group fits in.

 I  attended my first one last Thursday 16th September on my nephews 125, the bike size did not matter as even on the dual carriage ways a hearse does not travel fast.

Last ride for Peter

It was well organised with Marshall bikers on mahooosive trikes blocking traffic on slip roads and islands.
Tthis particular one was rather spontaneous as I only spotted it was going on an hour before they were due to start arriving for the meet, so I didn't have a lot of time to consider the fact that I would be returning to the Redditch Crematorium for the first time since.....


This was not about me, it was about making someone else's day as special as possible, something I will be doing again as many times as I can, and travelling further to do so when I pass my test.

In fact my next one I have booked the day off for, a young family man of 25 that sadly took his own life.

Anyway that is my check in for now, hopefully my next check in will be to say I passed my Mod one and have date for my mod 2

Head over to our Deskspert Julia for the latest gossip and desk goodness over at the stamping ground 

Just a random shot of Shaz from 2015 at the Edan project

Edan project July 25th 2015

That can only leave and finally...

Death works from home 

by the way, this was wrote on Sharons pc

An End of an era

An end of an era

I write this with a broken heart, that only time can heal My beautiful, wonderful wifelet Shaz (Silverwolf) passed away peacefully in the ea...